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Improving Lives,

Nurturing Hope

Together, we can help transform lives and build stronger communities for the children of Haiti.


HaitiChildren’s Official Public Statement

HaitiChildren, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of Haiti's most vulnerable children, is confronting severe obstacles in its mission to protect and support our children in Jamaica. Founder Susie Krabacher has faced extreme resistance and unjust treatment while addressing reports of neglect and mistreatment of the children under Mustard Seed's care.

We are facing unprecedented challenges, but our commitment to the children of Haiti remains unwavering. Recently, our founder, Susie Krabacher, encountered significant obstacles while attempting to ensure the well-being of our children in Jamaica. Despite being denied entry and facing intimidation, Susie’s resolve to protect and support our children has only strengthened.

Susie recently traveled to Jamaica after a concerning Zoom call with Priests Garvin and Gregory, who demanded formal agreements for additional funding. Susie requested documentation for the $100,000 already sent, amidst reports from our caregivers that our children were losing weight due to inconsistent meals provided by Mustard Seed (MS). Please note that Susie made two attempts to enter the country. On her first attempt, she was denied entry without any explanation. Determined to see the conditions firsthand, Susie tried again the following day but was met with the same resistance and was forcefully detained overnight.

Upon her arrival in Jamaica, Susie was subjected to extreme and unjust treatment by immigration and police officials. Despite her attempts to clarify her purpose, including visiting her son who had just undergone brain surgery, she was accused of dishonesty, physically detained, and held overnight under false pretenses in a filthy cell. She was handcuffed, verbally and physically abused, and denied access to her attorney, counselor, and husband. This treatment was not consistent with her rights and is deeply concerning.

The situation has escalated dramatically. Caregivers have been confined to their rooms without clear reasons, causing them to feel terrified and devastated. MS officials claimed that the caregivers had broken unspecified rules, despite numerous attempts to obtain these rules to comply. On June 25, a coach arrived on Mustard Seed grounds with police, who ordered the caregivers onto the bus to an undisclosed location in Portland, Jamaica. International human rights lawyer Malene Alene contacted them, but they refused to disclose the location, only stating it is a facility in Portland.

We are deeply concerned as the children are being split up, facing emotional trauma due to being apart from the only family they’ve ever known, in an environment where they’re facing severe neglect. The removal of the caregivers was executed in a manner that violates constitutional laws. During the chaotic removal, four disabled children—Rachelle, Rubens, Stanley, and Naese—were temporarily lost but have now been found and have made contact to say they arrived at a port in Haiti. However, at first, they were not allowed to dock, facing a long delay, and for hours were told they had to wait for immigration officers. We are still awaiting more information as the story develops. This incident has become an international concern.

"A bus full of police has turned up, telling our caregivers to get in the vehicle and that they’re headed to Portland. They may be deporting them. There’s a war going on in Haiti and they’re frightened about where they are being taken to. They’ve been confined to their rooms since Saturday prior to this. Imagine being one of the children and thinking you’re finally getting out of the life-threatening war zone of Haiti and then you’re being treated this way, separated from your family, and potentially being deported back to Haiti. It is devastating. Everyone’s scared. We are unsure of where they took our caregivers. We need our voices heard," said Sheryl Ritchie, HaitiChildren’s Jamaican Administrative Director, on June 25.

This harsh reception appears to be an effort to prevent Susie from seeing the deplorable conditions our children are facing, as evidenced by photos and reports of malnutrition and neglect. Despite these efforts to block her, Susie’s commitment to our children remains unshakeable.

Additionally, major Jamaican publications have falsely painted Haitians in a negative light, which has stigmatized our Haitian caregivers and, subsequently, Haitian nationals. These headlines risk creating a hostile situation for our caregivers and the Haitian community at large. We understand that relations between Haiti and Jamaica are strained, but we are committed to working together in the best interest of the children.

We must find better ways to address these issues, as the stigmatization of Haitian nationals only exacerbates tensions. Our primary goal is to ensure the health and safety of our children while fostering a collaborative environment.

We are working closely with our legal team, including Attorney Krishna James, who witnessed these events firsthand, and Human Rights advocates to address these injustices. Our primary goal is to ensure the health and safety of our children.

As it is written in Exodus 22:22-23, 'Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry.' We believe in the moral imperative to protect the most vulnerable among us, and we are unwavering in our mission to save these children's lives despite the horrific obstacles we face.

We have extensive documentation and photo and video footage to verify our claims for anyone interested. Transparency is at the heart of our efforts, and we are prepared to share this evidence to substantiate our experiences and concerns.

We have received overwhelming support from our USA audience and beyond, who trust and stand by us.

Quotes from Supporters:

"HaitiChildren's dedication and transparency are evident in their tireless efforts to care for the most vulnerable. The false narratives being pushed by some Jamaican publications are a blatant attempt to undermine their vital work. We stand firmly with HaitiChildren in their mission to protect and support these children." – Emily Watson, Human Rights Advocate

"It is clear to anyone who examines the facts that the accusations against HaitiChildren are unfounded. The courage and resilience shown by Susie Krabacher and her team in the face of such adversity is truly inspiring. The truth will prevail, and we will continue to support HaitiChildren every step of the way." – David Martinez, Long-time Haitian Rights Supporter

We ask you to join us in this fight by continuing to support and believe in our mission. Together, we can protect our children and ensure their stories are heard.


What is the current situation with HaitiChildren in Jamaica?

Our founder, Susie Krabacher, recently traveled to Jamaica to address concerns regarding the wellbeing of the children in our care. She was denied entry twice, faced extreme and unjust treatment, and was detained overnight without access to her attorney or husband. Our caregivers have also been confined to their rooms without clear reasons, and the children are being split up, facing severe neglect and emotional trauma.

Why was Susie Krabacher denied entry into Jamaica twice?

Susie was denied entry without explanation on her first attempt. Determined to see the conditions firsthand, she tried again the following day but faced the same resistance and was forcefully detained overnight. This harsh treatment appears to be an effort to prevent her from witnessing the deplorable conditions our children are facing.

What are the conditions like for the children in Jamaica?

The conditions are dire. Our healthcare worker, Dr. Pyae Sone Phyo, observed that the compound is infested with flies, the garbage bins are overflowing, and the food safety practices are extremely poor. These conditions pose significant health risks to the children and staff.

What has Mustard Seed done to obstruct HaitiChildren's efforts?

Mustard Seed has repeatedly turned away, refused, or outright dismissed our attempts to provide aid, medical care, and essential support to the children. They have also confined our caregivers to their rooms without clear reasons and have split up the children, causing significant distress and neglect.

How are the children being affected by these actions?

The children are facing severe neglect and emotional trauma due to being separated from the only family they’ve ever known. The chaotic removal process may have accidentally included three disabled children—Rachelle, Rubens, and Stanley—whose whereabouts are currently unknown.

What legal actions are being taken?

We are working closely with our legal team, including Attorney Krishna James and international human rights lawyer Malene Alene, to address these injustices. Malene Alene has issued a strong public statement calling the removal of the caregivers unconstitutional.

How is HaitiChildren responding to the false allegations from Jamaican publications?

We are committed to transparency and have extensive documentation, including photo and video footage, to verify our claims. We are prepared to share this evidence to substantiate our experiences and concerns. We also have received overwhelming support from our USA audience, who trust and stand by us.

How can I support HaitiChildren during this time?

You can support us by continuing to believe in our mission and sharing our story. We ask you to join us in our fight to protect our children and counter false narratives. Together, we can ensure the safety and wellbeing of our children.

Are there any public statements or quotes from supporters?

Yes, we have received strong support from our community. For example:

- "HaitiChildren's dedication and transparency are evident in their tireless efforts to care for the most vulnerable. The false narratives being pushed by some Jamaican publications are a blatant attempt to undermine their vital work. We stand firmly with HaitiChildren in their mission to protect and support these children." – Emily Watson, Human Rights Advocate

- "It is clear to anyone who examines the facts that the accusations against HaitiChildren are unfounded. The courage and resilience shown by Susie Krabacher and her team in the face of such adversity is truly inspiring. The truth will prevail, and we will continue to support HaitiChildren every step of the way." – David Martinez, Long-time Haitian Rights Supporter

When will we receive more updates on this mission?

We are still actively fighting and will be posting developments on this mission as we continue. Please check back daily for the latest updates.

For more information and to support our mission, please contact:

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Quotes From Our Supporters

"HaitiChildren's dedication and transparency are evident in their tireless efforts to care for the most vulnerable. The false narratives being pushed by some Jamaican publications are a blatant attempt to undermine their vital work. We stand firmly with HaitiChildren in their mission to protect and support these children."
– Emily Watson, Human Rights Advocate
"It is clear to anyone who examines the facts that the accusations against HaitiChildren are unfounded. The courage and resilience shown by Susie Krabacher and her team in the face of such adversity is truly inspiring. The truth will prevail, and we will continue to support HaitiChildren every step of the way."
– David Martinez, Long-time Haitian Rights Supporter

We ask you to join us in this fight by continuing to support and believe in our mission. Together, we can protect our children and ensure their stories are heard.

HaitiChildren in Numbers

With your support, Haiti children can thrive.
Help us make a difference for the children of Haiti and the whole country.

Our Impact
This Year
Children in Residence
Children in Education Programs
Children in Education Programs
Haitian Jobs Created
Meals Provided
Gallons of Water Provided per week
Over 28 Years
Children in Residence
Children in Residence
Children in Residence
Children in Residence

Empowering Lives, Breaking Cycles, and Creating Brighter Futures

The children of Haiti find themselves trapped in a painful cycle of suffering and neglect, which is largely caused by institutional, economic, and governance challenges that they have no control over.

 As one of the organizations that help children in Haiti, it is our mission to create the future leaders of Haiti through the provision of education, healthcare, advocacy and care for abandoned children with quantifiable accountability measures.
Orphanages / Institutionalization of Children
Moving beyond institutional care, we’re reconnecting children with families and building community resilience.
Insufficient Government Funding to Care for Vulnerable Children
Bridging the gap where government support falls short, we’re delivering vital resources to Haiti’s most vulnerable children.
Unintended Consequences Of Foreign Aid
Guiding foreign aid with a careful hand, we ensure that help reaches those who need it most without unintended fallout.
Long-Term Economic Sustainability
We’re fostering economic sustainability that will support generations to come.

Story of Success


Your Support Matters

During this crucial time, the unwavering support of our donors and partners are absolutely indispensable. In Haiti, where medical needs and emergencies persistently challenge our disabled children, the significance of their assistance cannot be overstated.

How Your Donations
Make a Difference

Every contribution is a lifeline channeled towards the most pressing needs and transformative projects. At HaitiChildren, our Board of Directors, Advisory Board, and Co-Founders contribute more than 100% of all US overhead and administrative expenses, so 100% of outside donations go directly to the projects in Haiti. We are committed to transparency, and as part of this commitment, we provide a detailed breakdown of our expenditure, allowing you to see the life cycle of your donation. 
Your donation provides 25,128 meals monthly for children and staff and helps us continue to grow food for them.
Learn More
Medicine & Health
We administer medical care for over 1,500 people per month at no charge, including wellness checks, exams, and medication.
Learn More
We have built three water wells that provide more than 10,000 gallons of daily water supply.
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Three greenhouses have been established to raise livestock and cultivate vegetables, ensuring a sustainable future for the community.
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Here’s how you can help make a difference.

Creating Change from Within

Get an insider’s look at our endeavors as one of the leading Haiti non-profit organizations. Every project, partnership, and volunteer brings us one step closer to a brighter future for the children of Haiti.
Haiti Children Special Education Center
Sammy's Community Medical & Mobile Medical Clinic
Rehabilitation & Therapy Center

Highlighting the Realities Faced by
Our Children


At HaitiChildren, we believe in transparency and the urgent need to share the reality faced by the children under our care. Despite our best efforts, the children have been subjected to severe neglect, exacerbated by the false narratives and unjust treatment from Mustard Seed and certain Jamaican publications. Below is a detailed account from Dr. Pyae Sone Phyo, a healthcare worker who conducted a health assessment of the children:

Dr. Pyae Sone Phyo’s Observations:

"I was contacted to conduct a health assessment for some of your children. However, as a healthcare worker, I have observed the children's immediate environment, and I am very much concerned.

  • The compound is infested with flies; they are literally everywhere (on the children, in the dorms, and in the kitchen).
  • The garbage bins are overflowing and uncovered. The bins are too close to the dorms.
  • Food safety concerns: there were flies in the kitchen, the food pots and containers were uncovered, flies seen on them. The food for the children was in plates and was also uncovered. Poor hand hygiene practices and sanitation by staff, caregivers, and children.
  • Floor sanitation needs to adjust.

These are just a few observations. However, if not addressed immediately, it will expose significant health risks for the children and the staff. It will take a collaborative effort to address these issues, but I am willing to assist in every way I can. My recommendation is to get the public health team involved as they will guide the process and make meaningful recommendations."


How does our monetary donation help the children in Haiti?

By donating funds to our non-profit organization, you provide essential resources such as food, clean water, shelter, healthcare, education, and emotional support to abandoned children in Haiti. Your contribution directly improves their lives and helps them build a brighter future.

Can I choose how my monetary donation is used?

While you cannot specify how your donation is allocated to individual children, rest assured that all funds are used to meet the needs of abandoned children in Haiti collectively. We have a transparent and accountable process to ensure the efficient use of donations for the maximum benefit of the children.

How can I donate to support abandoned children in Haiti?

Donations can be made securely through our website by clicking on the "Donate" button. You can choose to make a one-time donation or set up a recurring monthly contribution. We also accept donations via check or bank transfer, and details for these options can be found on our website as well.

Are my donations tax-deductible?

Yes, we are a registered non-profit organization, and donations made to us are generally tax-deductible. After donating, you will receive a tax receipt or acknowledgment letter that you can use for tax purposes. Please consult with a tax professional or refer to your local tax regulations for specific details.

Can I sponsor an abandoned child directly?

While we do not offer direct child sponsorship programs, your monetary donations play a crucial role in supporting all the abandoned children in our care. This collective approach allows us to distribute resources fairly and ensure that every child receives the necessary support they need to thrive.

How are the funds allocated within the organization?

We have a transparent and responsible financial management system in place. A significant portion of the funds provides necessities, including food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, and education. We also allocate resources to staffing, administration, and programs aimed at long-term development and rehabilitation for the children.

How do you ensure the funds are used efficiently and effectively?

We have a dedicated team that oversees the distribution of funds and ensures that they are used in the most effective way possible. We conduct regular audits and evaluations to maintain transparency and accountability. Additionally, we collaborate with trusted local partners to maximize the impact of our programs and services.

Can I visit the children in Haiti?

While we understand the desire to meet the children, for privacy and security reasons, we do not facilitate individual visits by donors or supporters. However, we provide regular updates, newsletters, and reports that highlight the progress and impact of our programs. This allows you to stay connected and witness the positive changes your donations make.

Can I donate items instead of money?

While monetary donations are the most efficient way to support our organization's work, we understand that some individuals may wish to donate specific items. We encourage you to reach out to our team to discuss whether there are any needs or requirements for in-kind donations that we can accommodate.

How can I stay updated on the progress of the organization and the children's welfare?

You can subscribe to our newsletter through our website to receive regular updates on our activities, achievements, and stories of the children we assist. We also maintain an active social media presence, where you can follow us and engage with our community. Your ongoing support and interest are invaluable to us and the children we serve.

Angels of a Lower Flight

by Susie Scott Krabacher
"In this world, you were loved."

The inspiring story of how one woman's message of hope and opportunity will change the lives of an entire generation.