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HaitiChildren is dedicated to ending the abuse that children in Haiti endure. We are a national leader in the areas of rescue, education, and medicine. Your tax-deductible donations to Haiti will aid in the fight against child abuse and significantly impact the lives of children in Haiti.

Why Monetary Donations?

A financial donation is fungible and easy to get to Haiti. 

Monetary children donations allow us to purchase goods and services from Haitian businesses; we want to see the development of a middle class in Haiti, and supporting local businesses is a key component in this effort.

It takes significant money to ship, pay customs and deliver donated items to our HaitiChildren Village; on average, it costs nearly $20,000 to get a container from the United States to our village.

Mission Trips are a huge revenue source for much larger organizations. We are not equipped to manage the “mission trip business” logistics. We do encourage donors to visit our projects. We would also love for you to impart your unique skills and experiences with our children to leave lasting and inspiring thoughts for them.

See What a Donation of $100 Can Obtain