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Hello All!

This fall we continue to see deep conflict and dangerous violence Haiti. We are praying for the safety of our HaitiChildren Family. Amidst increasing deaths due to public uprisings and political turmoil, our HaitiChildren Village and outlying programs continue to fight to stay open and operating. We are blessed and grateful to continue to run strong at HaitiChildren. We are all feeling alarm and concern for our team, our community, and most importantly, our children. Nevertheless, we prevail; and we couldn’t do it without the love of God, and the support of our donors. The HaitiChildren Team was certainly ready for a little inspiration, when we caught up with our Mission Director this week to talk about how are little angels are holding up in the difficult times. We received that inspiration in this story about Moise Jean. It made us feel so grateful and blessed that we had to share it with you! We hope you are uplifted by Moise’s story, just as we have been:

Moise Jean

This is Moise, who was born on March 5, 2005. When he was five, Moise joined the HaitiChildren family. It was February 25, 2010, after the center where he lived had collapsed, during the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010. With us, Moise has easily adapted and flourishes in a healthy environment. He is so affectionate and always likes to take the center stage, laughing ceaselessly with his brothers and sisters.

Moise loves school and is an outstanding student. He is first in class more often than not. He is committed to personal excellence and passionate about learning new things. With a unique interest in industrial chemistry, Moise is learning how to prepare products such as perfume, mouthwash, and even cleaning supplies!

Moise’s passion in life extends from science to diplomacy. Being the charismatic young boy that he is, he was so grateful for the opportunity to have visited Washington D.C. in June of 2018. He says he will never forget it. Moise traveled with a few of his brothers and sisters last summer, to our national capitol to meet with U.S. diplomats. There, we were so proud as we watched him ask each and every person he met how he could help bring peace and democracy to his home nation.

Moise has been a part of the HaitiChildren family for almost a decade now. What a blessing to have the opportunity to nourish and educate such a shining star. We are so grateful for our donors who are giving Moise his chance to shine.

From the Heart,


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